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Puer Aeternus

New Works by Adam Miguel Estevez

The Studio@620 and BayCare Behavioral Health present "Puer Aeternus", an exhibition of new original artworks by Adam Miguel Estevez.
You're invited to an opening reception on Friday December 7, 2012 from 6-9 PM.
Exhibit remains on display through Saturday December 29, 2012.
Gallery hours are Tuesday -Saturday, 12:00 - 4:00 PM
Admission is free and open to the public.

Artist Statement

Puer Aeternus is a Jungian archetype meaning “eternal boy” in Latin.  Archetypes exist as fundamental human patterns of being.  The puer archetype symbolizes freedom and the unrestrained vitality of youth.  Any true creative endeavor requires openness to the unknown with unbound play and freedom that is uniquely individual.  I am attracted to this quality as reflected in the various and seemingly disparate styles and media.   I paint what interests me.  I am less interested in trends, styles, or formulas. 

However, as with any archetype, the puer has constructive and destructive qualities.  When the puer is expressed in a one-sided, imbalanced way, there is a turning away from the old, from tradition, from growing up. One could say that we live in an era of the glorification of the puer archetype.

Although the process of my painting stems from my attraction to the puer, my paintings are paradoxically dominated by content that is almost ‘anti’ puer.  I find a forgotten beauty in images and objects that are old, aging, crumbling: Old boats, rusted seawalls, disheveled barns, an elephant with wrinkles. This show is an amalgam of the puer, both positive and negative, without a conclusion. 


See a review of Estevez's previous exhibit, Passage, held at The Studio in 2010 by clicking here.

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