Blah Blah Blah Literary Open Mic
Hosted by Wordier Than Thou
LiteraryWe invite you to a literary open mic that is anything but BLAH! We’ll start with a featured reader and then open the mic up to local writers. E. Rose Sabin is the featured author for our March gathering. A former teacher, she taught Spanish and English for many years, mostly in middle school, but also as an adjunct instructor in junior college. She now devotes her time to writing fantasy, science fiction and novels. Sabin’s stories have won many awards, and “A School for Sorcery”—her first novel—won the Andre Norton Gryphon award in 1992, an award then given by the late novelist Andre Norton for an unpublished manuscript of the best fantasy novel submitted by a new woman fantasy writer.
The Open Mic Rules:
1. Every reader gets 10 minutes to share their work.
2. We’ll limit each event to just 10 readers.
3. Toss your name in the bucket when you arrive. Names will be chosen at random.